Wreckfest Chaos League


Are you frustrated in Heat 5 and iRacing? Are you constantly fighting the urge to wreck people? Tired of racing clean? This is the place for you!

Welcome to Chaos!!!

This is where wreckfest all began in NTG. In chaos, there are no sorries, wreck people to your hearts content. This is a laid back league to have fun racing in. Points can be accumulated based upon your finishing position and the amount of other people who you wreck!

Which strategy will you use? Will you wreck the entire field using a Wardigger and rely on points for wrecking? Or will you use a Raiden in attempt to finish 1st and avoid the carnage?

Join us on Wednesday’s at 8 PM Eastern for our event nights that consist of the following:

  • 1 Banger Race
  • 1 Banger Race at a Figure 8
  • 1 Deathmatch OR Last Man Standing
  • 1 Special Vehicle Race